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heal with paige
heal with paige, sound therapy


How It 
All Started

Sound has always been something I've been so passionate about.. I always remember my nan telling me that I sang before I could talk!

I've always had a such powerful feeling wash over me when hearing certain music growing up and I've always been particularly drawn to film sound tracks, especially Hans Zimmer and The Cinematic Orchestra. Their tracks have always affected me in a profound way. Drama, dance and singing was all I ever wanted to do as a child and would often take part in lots of theatre shows as a child.

I remember approaching my teens and all I wanted was to be was a singer but my nerves got so bad any audition I went to I would just freeze and get really nauseous and I would get so upset with myself that I couldn't sing even though it was all I wanted to do but my body just wouldn't let me. Sadly I stopped singing for years because I was just too scared to sing in front of anyone.

Fast forward to my 20's, I was disconnected from myself and had pretty bad anger problems, and was very insecure.  Little did I know that my spiritual awakening was just around the corner.

it was 2019 and my dear nan who I loved and also lived with for many years had dementia and it was just getting worse and worse, my nervous system was all over the place and I was constantly worried that something was going to happen to her, but I was out drinking and partying most weekends just trying to numb the pain.

The Day my
Life Changed

I woke up one morning and had this strong message that I had to go to a 'Sound bath', Honestly, at this point I had no idea what a sound bath even was.. I just knew it was something I had to do. So I got to work and immediately researched sound bath's near me, of course there was one not too far from my work address that evening at 7:30pm so with no doubt, I booked it!

it was that session that changed my life, the energy shift I experienced was so profound and I've never gone through so many emotions in an hour whilst also feeling like I was being held by an unconditional love. The vibrations of the bowls just flooded my body and brought me back home to my true self.

I left that session feeling lighter, happier, like a weight had been lifted off of me. But, a very special moment for me was stepping out of the studio, looking up to the sky and hearing the birds singing so beautifully in the tree's, for years I had forgotten about the true beauty of nature, but in that moment I remembered and since then I have appreciated every bit of Mother Earth and my connection to her.

The Start of my
Spiritual Journey

Since I left that sound bath everything changed, I just wanted to know more about why we are here and what does it all mean, I researched all about the universe, I taught myself tarot, I meditated every day for like 45mins to an hour. And of course I fell deeply in love with sound healing, so I bought myself my very own crystal sound bowl and then the collection  just grew and grew.

I then went through as I like to call it a rollercoaster, because at first it was all rainbows and everything looked pretty until I went to Mexico and did some deep inner work out there which made me I realise I had to work through some painful traumas that I hadn't dealt with, and they were causing me serious blocks from being my authentic self. I had to really go deep into my shadows and to be honest there were times I thought I was going a bit crazy, so It was then that I invested in lots of holistic therapies like somatic breath work, hypnotherapy, sound meditations,  I also had regular psychotherapy sessions to help me understand a lot about myself. I'm a true believer that you are put in every situation for a reason, to teach you, and  i'm so grateful for everything that's happened In my life because it has brought me right where I am supposed to be.. and I'm also out here singing with full confidence!

It was sound therapy that woke me up and allowed me to find peace again, Sound always brings me back to the present moment and grounds me, it reminds me of why i'm here and what my purpose is.

I will always hold sacred sound journey's and I will always hold them with unconditional love and gratitude and spread that love to each soul that comes into the space,  I hope that every soul who experiences my session can feel that love and allow sound to bring them home to their true authentic self.

So let's rise and heal together as one!

(if you read all the way till the end, thank you for listening to my story, sending all my love to you!)

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